Featured Social Media Post
What are millennials thinking about?
July 12, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
I am a participant in the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey Summer Institute for Educators. We’ve officially been in session a week, and it is very interesting to network with local businesses, tour facilities, and sit down with both public and private sector companies to identify what skill-sets are sought. And one major theme […]
Featured Education Post
Congrats, Pioneer Class of 2015
June 4, 2015 By Jason DeFuria
I’ll preface it with this- I had hoped that I would have seen you folks graduate. I started with you, you were my first group of students, and you all hold a special place in my heart. Life is messy. I started writing this speech when you were freshmen. Dear Graduates, Faculty, School Committee Members, […]
Featured Product Review
Nextcloud VM, and Open Source Software in general
October 19, 2023 By Jason DeFuria
I have been using Nextcloud (specifically Nextcloud VM) for a couple of years now, and it worked great for some time. I had switched from Nextcloudpi, as I wanted something more robust for my storage needs. The problems started this past weekend, where I realized that I wasn’t running the latest version. I took a […]
Life Ponderings
To the friends I’ve lost along the way
July 12, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
It’s really interesting to realize that as life goes on, it tends to get a little more lonely. You lose touch, and eventually lose friends. The most important fact is to realize that loss of friends is natural. The first time I started to realize this fact was college. Everyone from high school goes off, […]
Older Posts

Wink Hub 2 versus Wink Hub 1
January 1, 2017 By Jason DeFuria
I have been working on getting into the Home Automation game, after finally buying a house of my own. I started out with a Wink Hub 1, that I had bought with the GE-Link bulbs a couple of years ago, on a deal around Christmas time. I was then part of the large Wink outage, […]
What are millennials thinking about?
July 12, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
I am a participant in the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey Summer Institute for Educators. We’ve officially been in session a week, and it is very interesting to network with local businesses, tour facilities, and sit down with both public and private sector companies to identify what skill-sets are sought. And one major theme […]
To the friends I’ve lost along the way
July 12, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
It’s really interesting to realize that as life goes on, it tends to get a little more lonely. You lose touch, and eventually lose friends. The most important fact is to realize that loss of friends is natural. The first time I started to realize this fact was college. Everyone from high school goes off, […]

SiriusXM lost me as a customer to Spotify, and how to get the best deal on SiriusXM
February 15, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
SiriusXM (SIRI) was one of the ways that I listed to music when purchasing my 2012 Hyundai Elantra Limited. I was just starting to use Spotify, and Pandora was unreliable over 4g. But SiriusXM lost me as a customer, mostly due to information here on the internet. And SiriusXM wants to gain subscribers to keep […]
4 Social Media Customer Service Tips for 2016
January 26, 2016 By Jason DeFuria
With social media and our “always on” society, customer service has become one of the most important ways in which businesses can engage with stakeholders and improve brand loyalty. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks reviewing some important facets that are crucial to ensuring a positive response of major brands and services . Ranked […]
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