End of Journey Due to Injury

Despite the planning and training that went into bicycling across the country this summer, I am unable to complete this endeavor at this point in time due to an injury.  While I was peddling through Pennsylvania, my right knee started to hurt to the point where I was unable to pedal.  I was taken to the emergency room and the original conclusion was tendonitis.  I was instructed to rest 3 days, take motrin, and ice it.

After 3 days, I restarted the trip.  I was fine the initial day getting to Spring City, PA.  However, the following day I was unable to pedal after about 8 miles, the pain being much worse than before.  The hypothesis at this time is that my knee is slightly dislocating while I am at the top of the stroke pedaling, and comes back together at the bottom of the stroke.

After crying on the side of the road and being disappointed that I would not be able to continue without irreversibly damaging my leg, I remembered all of those people who helped so far, and all of those who were pledging to further help at future stops.

I want to thank everyone for all the support that you have given me.  I had an amazing week meeting strangers, making friends and traveling the Northeast.  I wish I were able to continue at this point in time, but my health needs to take priority.

A great thing I learned on the trip is that the Lions Club is like a family.  There were people always willing to take me into their homes, feed me and befriend me.  It is amazing how Lions are so eager to help any cause, and that they look out for strangers that they haven’t even met.

I will be meeting with doctors very soon to see what can be done about my knee, and I’m hoping to hear that this can be fixed.  I don’t want to leave this as an attempt; I hope to restart this trip in the future.

One thing that I still hope is that you are willing to donate to the cause, as it is wonderful and I would love for you to help in building something that is needed in Haiti.

You can still do so by sending a check to:

Lions Haiti Fund

P.O. Box 483

Gardner, MA 01440

Thanks again and hopefully see you later.

Jason DeFuria

To My Fellow Lions and Friends,

I have known Jason for the past ten years and recently sponsored him into the Lions Club.  As he began his journey across country, I had peace of mind knowing that the Family of Lions was there for him each and every step of the way.  What amazed me was early on in his trip he realized what it is to be a Lion when he made the statement: “Life lesson 1: Always give to others, because you get taken care of too. Things come back tenfold.”   You, the Lions that took him in and watched out for him, taught him this lesson.

Jason took on this journey to raise funds for “Forward in Health”, a medical mission to Haiti started by Lion (Dr) John Mulqueen and his wife Paula.  Lions of Massachusetts have set up a Lions Haiti Fund to raise $75,000 and will seek a matching grant from LCIF.  Once the funds are raised and the construction complete, the Lions International Emblem will be adhered to the building.

I am very proud of Jason and the mission that he set out to accomplish.  It says a lot for his character and that of being a Lion.  I made many new friends while seeking accommodations for him and I thank you all for your kindness and hospitality.

We will let you know how he is doing.  Thank you once again!


Paul N. DeMeo

Massachusetts Lion MD 33-A




  1. Carol Soules says

    Sorry to hear about this injury Jason. You are right…health comes first. Hopeful some day you can resume your trek. In the meantime much has been accomplished already.

  2. Tricia Rapacki says

    Sorry to hear about your knee injury but I know you will be back again someday to complete your journey. Setbacks only make us stronger and more determined!

  3. Janet Donovan says

    Hey, Jason. I used to work for your Mom and I would do so again in a heartbeat.

    I think you are a very brave and unselfish young man. I know your Mom has always been so proud of you and your bother. We become like the people we are around the most, and all I can say is you were raised by two great people. You are kind and thoughtful, and I know the world has big plans for you.

    Rest assured you will achieve this goal, and so many others you set for yourself. The measure of a man is taken by how he treats those who can do nothing for him. You’ve passed wth flying colors.

    Bike on, Jay!

  4. Jody Spitz says

    I can only imagine your disappointment as you figured out that you couldn’t continue biking (for now). But I loved the way that you came back in the spirit of hope and commitment in your update to us – which is what your trek (and fundraising) was all about. To your next ride!

  5. Dont be a wimp like you said.You will never be able to finish you WIMP!