Day 10…Spring City






Today I resumed the trip. It was nice of Shawn and his family to take me in for 3 days and have me as part of their family. If you are down on the Jersey shore be sure to check out the Seakist.

It was a lot of cornfields today…not anything worth noting. There was nuclear cooling towers towards the end. Its always iinteresting to see those.

I also got a picture of Wawa for those of you in MA. Too bad they don’t franchise…me and Shawn had talked of franchising one in MA.

My hosts tonight are fantastic. I’m in a two bedroom apartment upstairs. Its a rather historic house, belonging to a paper mill owner originally.

We went out to a lovely dinner and they gave me a tour of the house when we got back. It was really cool.

Tomorrow I’m heading on PA23 for the entire day. I might see some Amish…but I will not take pictures of the people out of respect. I will post more tomorrow.

Avoided: Gerbil ball

Total miles:395


  1. Andrew Kalter says

    Sounds like a great adventure. I rode from Canada to Mexico a number of years ago on a mountain bike pulling a trailer with all of my camping gear.

    To save your knees and muscles you want to spin at a higher rpm. More pedal strokes and leff effort each time. Sometimes moving your seat a little forward on the rails may help as well but making changes like that may be risky. I used tons of sunscreen and lots of BuTT Butter to lube up the short chamois.

    Let me know if you have any questions that I may be able to help with.

  2. Carol Soules says

    Happy to read that your first day back on the road went well. I’ve passed your blog on to some summer program folks so maybe so kids will follow your trio! Stay out of those secret prisons and Gerbil balls!

  3. Wimp!I hate seafood.Your stupid!